Laser Labels For Your Printer
Choosing Laser Labels That Work With Your Printer
When Buying laser labels, there are a few things to consider. First, you’ll need to decide what label size you need, and next to see if the printer is capable of printing on the labels. If you are printing simple text or a graphic within the label, most printers will have no problems printing them. However, if you are looking to print laser labels that are what the industry calls “full bleed”, which means that your label design completely covers all of the label with color, graphic, or text, you may find that certain labels will not work. This is the case due to most printers’ limitation.
Most laser printers have what is called “outer margins” that can not be printed on. This is not noticeable when printing documents and even pictures that fit within the page since you can just print with options such as “fit to page”. Unfortunately, when it comes to printing laser labels, you can’t just shrink the content. Your label design must be printed out exactly as the template is designed. If in the case you are looking to print labels with design that cover the entire area of the label, there are a few things to consider and do in order for your labels to come out well.
When designing, and placing the artwork on the template, the artwork must be made to have areas that can exceed the boundaries of the template so that when the design is printed on the label, it will be able to cover all of the label. This is to ensure that the labels will be completely covered and will not have any blank areas due to the natural shaking that occurs when the laser labels are passed through the printer. Secondly, when purchasing the labels, you must consider the outer margin size of your laser printer. If the template’s outer margin is too small, you will not be able to create that extra area to ensure the label’s coverage. It is safe to get labels with larger margins in order to be sure your label will be completely covered.
If you are not sure that certain label size are not right for you and want to try it out, you can always download the PDF template and print it out. You can then print on top of what you have printed with our word template or any label programs you have to print on top of our PDF template and see if your printer can print on all surfaces of the laser label. This way you will be sure to receive the label that works best for you.
Buy Sheet Labels for your laser and inkjet printers at!Filed under: News & Updates on July 27th, 2009
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