Girl Scout Cookie Season Is In Full Swing! – Made some cookie labels
It is now here! Girl Scout cookie season is in full swing. There is excitement in the air for us the consumers! I give a shout out to all the hard working Scouts, Cookie moms and Cookie bosses. Thank you! The first ever recorded cookies sales for the Girl scout was done by the Mistletoe Troop in Oklahoma at their local high school. This annual tradition of beloved the Girl Scouts cookies started in 1917 when The American Girl Magazine suggested a regional director to do it as a formal fund raiser. You can find more interesting information about these girl scout cookies on Wikipedia. In tribute to their tradition, to express my enthusiasm, made some girl scout cookie stickers to promote them. Just looking at these stickers make my mouth water. If you are looking to find out where to get them, you can go to their official girl scout cookie website and in the “Find Cookies” section, put in your zipcode. Here are some pictures of my cookie labels made from sheet labels from our store. Here is a link to the cookie label template we made, if you wish to print one out for yourself. It was made using our 0-200 1-1/2″ round labels, 20 labels per sheet at our store at
Buy Sheet Labels for your laser and inkjet printers at!Filed under: News & Updates on February 23rd, 2015
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